Friday, June 11, 2021

life lessons

Dear Friends,


Living an organized life, will get many things done faster to our full satisfaction. We need more time to spend with the people we love. Organized life provides for time to be spent for useful and beneficial action.

Our time has to be spent less on the little things of life and more on the big things, like our health and our family. Many do not allot required time for family and health and ultimtely pay for it heavily besides suffering out of it.

Getting rid of unwanted things around us, will greatly help us We are being surrounded by clutter which is actually dragging us heavily chained , slowing us down, making us feel tired, and stressful. removing them brings us a sense of freedom. Most organized people are full of energy. Why is that? Because they take better care of themselves inside and out.

By leading and following an organised life, we set examp;les to our children who are watchful and learning from us everyday. Showing them how to be organized and get the most out of each day will be a lesson they can take with them for the rest of their lives.

Here are some suggestions .
1. Use files or folders to place all your Personal documents. Segregate your documents and place different kind of documents in different files.
2. Differentiate between urgent and important tasks.
3. Closely observe our Time stealers. the routine tasks which takes away a lot of time ,but unproductive, should be optimized. As a result we will have more control on our time for family & self improvement.
4. Placing things at right locations using drawers, boxes, cabinets, Files, places for accessories. It helps in saving time not to waste in looking for the required things.
5. Making '' to-do '' list which reminds us and we dont miss anything to be done timely.


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