Sunday, January 13, 2019


Come up and Do Well - YOU CAN...!     J.K. SIVAN 

Today  I made some notes for a young man who wanted some advice from me for his career building and personality development.   To advice others is the easiest but remember  advice is the worst form of vice.
if one does not follow what he preaches.

Working hard is not as it was many decades ago. Walking took a large portion of our time in the absence of trnsport, both public and private.  The animal carts were the only alternatives  to walking long distances. It kept us in good health, in spite of the roads not being even, metalled or fit during rainy season.  Eating is another thing which is important to mention. There were not many public eating houses and mostly everyone ate his food at home and carried it for his lunch or during travel. Thus there was no infection or disease by lack of hygiene and adulteration of food. Reading was the main leisure activity with no TV  or Radio to divert attention from reading and learning in life.  Listening to lectures by learned was possible with many elders in the family with experience in ever so many walks of life. Now it is no longer there with neutral or nuclear family system as you may call it cut and limited to maximum 3 in a family. 
Besides hard work, there  there are  several other aspects of your overall personality which are accounted for your growth.  Overall personality refers to the outer and inner personality of a person, which he presents officially and in privacy. is important?

In the routine official life, everyone observes you, the seniors, colleagues team mates, managers and subordinates et al, watching the way  you work, behave, talk and exhibit and express yourself. With this impression gained by others your overall image is built and recognised.

Here are some points to think: 
Good Mind Good Find they say.  It is so simple. You must slowly and steadily focus on your thoughts, and make it a practice which will put you on the right path, and gift maturity to your speech and actions, to help enhance your personality.

Try to get engaged in more and more activities which will be beneficial to all. If you really want to do task you will find a way to do it.  Whatever the  expectation others may look for from you , it should be possible for you to meet it as  much as possible.  All problems do have a solution and so be optimistic.  Develop skills such as problem solving, analytical Skills and creativity. Be efficient, confident, sharp, dynamic in your day to day life.

Be with society, and participate in its development one way or the other. Participate in get togethers and meetings. Try to give your positive and optimistic opinion as much as you can.  Be friendly, and enthusiastic,  Do not miss any phone call. Avoid reacting.  Treat everyone with equal respect, Avoid irritating & negative comments and remarks.  Build a vocabulary of positive words and use and pracatice it frequently.  Develop effective communications skills.

Physical appearance plays a vital role in life and matters a lot. Whether you are sitting in a meeting or walking in office or just working from your chair, you need to look confident. Your posture should portray your confident personality. When you are meeting with someone, try to  make the first impression as the best impression. Ask yourself whether the person you will meet  will acknowledge you to be a decent chap? Rough? Polite? Nice or what?.  Your way of handshaking, standing/sitting, smiling, eye contact, shoes, dressing, voice, physical fitness, remembering names  etc  ----   all these matter a lot.  Wear neat clothes which fit you well.   change your old hair style if need be.  Learn to talk quietly and not too loudly. Change your tone to suit these. Remember, you dont need to be in high end  expensive clothing to creat a great impression, you can acheive  it with your simple life style.

Personality is meaningful if it makes you dependable, reliable and others are able to place their confidence, friendship, trust and respect you because of your maturity, cordiality, helping tendency, and tolerance to others regarding their views and suggestions and patient listening , seeking  first to understand  and then to be understood.  We are not authorised to impose our decisions on someone. Listen emphatically. Listen more and speak less.

You must remember always that hard work alone will not help and assist overlooking the other several aspects governing your personality, to move up on your professional and career ladder. Consistency and regularity in your actions and saying is important.  Inconsistent behaviour would ruin your personality to make others lose faith and trust on you.

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 கண்டசாலா  விருந்து  ஒன்று.  #நங்கநல்லூர்_J_K_SIVAN   ''தண்ணொளி வெண்ணிலவோ''   என்ற  அருமையான   கண்டசாலா வெங்கடேஸ்வர ராவ் கணீ...