Saturday, September 23, 2017


Dear Friends
NO ANGER PLEASE - j.k. sivan

In one of my messages in Tamil I referred to anger. It is common for everyone to be angry over something not pleasing or liked or disturbing etc. ​Anger is a sign of mental weakness, ​We feel for what we did or said when angry and regret and repent later and feel for our action in remorse. Incidentally we lose a lot of energy too when we are angry.

​If we can control anger no doubt we shall have unlimited energy in reserve. How to control is explained below.
​1.​ ​Be alert. Meditate. chant divine names. Watch your thoughts. Be silent atleast for an hour. Develop the pracatice of forgetting and forgiving. Bear insults and injuries without emotion.
2. ​Remember. God is in everyone. Whatever happens is caused by His will and accept. You will never feel angry.
3. ​Observe nature as much as you can. It will silently teach you a lot. Be in the open in mornings and evenings and be patient always. Decide for yourself ''I shall endure and forgive whatever done to me ''. It will slowly transform you.
4. ​ Speak openly with sincerety and honesty. Speak little.Talk less.
5. ​ Move and mix with right persons you have chosen. It would be a congenial company. It is a Satsang. Read spiritual literature.
6. ​Think and read about great saints who lived and the ordeals they faced in life patientlyu with peace in mind. It would inspire you. I have made it a practice to write about such great souls daily for you to read. Hope you like them and find them educative and beneficial.

​7​. ​ Read and understand Gita teachings. There are many to help you if you cannot understand to guide you.
​8. Love your friends and ignore their shortcomings. It will slowly and steadily fill your mind with love and joy.
​9. Food plays a great part in your mind control. Take milk, fruits curd, greens, nuts and drink plenty of buttermilk. Irritating and spicy food should be avoided.
​10. Practice silence for minimum two hours a day. It will change you completely.
​11. Inhale and exhale slowly and steadily. Sit erect . ​ Listen more and dont interrup when anyone talks to you. If you dont accept or agree with the views of others dont correct. It is their right to express what they feel.
​12.Dont argue over anything. Dont retort. Speak slowly and sweetly. Dont abuse or find fault. Measure and watch your words. Atman is same in all.
​13. Body is only a sheath for the A​thma within. Protect and maintain your body fit for a divine occupant within. Aspire for self realisation and gain spiritual strength.

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