Wednesday, September 27, 2017


Let me think with you - J,K. SIVAN.​

W​e are temporary occupants of this world. We live as long as we are destined to live . There is no warranty or guarantee for our longevity and ther will be no prior intimation or advance notice for vacating this world.​

​We fail to realise that money can’t buy​ or bring ​ happiness​. We refuse to learn even after observing the developments ee around us that wealth cannot bring satisfaction or peace . It will lead to unpleasant moments. Money was invented by man for meeting his immediate needs and necessaries only as it was better than bartering. More than necessary when we have money it is like the sweet which makes one happy with its tastes in his tonge, leading him steadily and slowly to innumerable health problems! So it is wrong to think that we would be happier​ and comfortable ​ with a bit more money. We ​ w​ant to be rich ​, forgetting that the rich aren’t happy either​. We chase the latest gadget or style that television​ advertises and ​ tells us to want; we want to earn more money because then we’ll have the good life.​ S​urplus money will​ not and cannot ​ bring ​ perfect and true happiness. ​ The extra money we earn, the balance in bank, the costly and rich clothes, comfortable cars etc., none of ​these will make us happier​, but leave us to worry about something. ​​.​The sad part of it is that in pursuing wealth and luxury items ​may involve us in pledging our conscience in most cases. We see big wigs lying in the open when questioned about their wealth!! ​

So​ ​ what will bring us ​the real ​happiness?

​There are three simple things which do not cost anything to us. Many have found this and followed and are happy..​ ​

​1. We need to acquire good and true relationships​ as we need to be close, to be intimate, with other human beings. ​Supportive friendships​ ​and loving relationships with ​all will make us happy.

​2. ​We should develop the habit of Positive thinking.​ It is the simple and best way to achieve your goals​ bringing happiness too. Optimism and self-esteem are some of the best indicators of people who lead happy lives. Happy people feel empowered, in control of their lives, and have a positive outlook on life. ​ How to think positively is just by ​removing all the negative thoughts ​. For example, dont think at any time “I can​not ”​.Think strongly “I can”. It may sound​ difficult or impossible, but it has worked for ​many people, every time.

​People ​who select and engage themselves in the work they are passionate about. I am happy with my communication with all of you and dedicate not less than 20 hours a day enjoying learing some thing new every day and sharing it with you through this group. I am extremely happy healthy thus.

​Finally, let me tell you that you should find the hobbies which are passionate and are of interest to you. Turn off the TV — this is the opposite of flow — and get outside and do somethi​​ng that truly engages you.​ ​

​You have the keys and way to happiness, in your control, but dont lose them​ at any time.

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