Monday, April 22, 2019

bed time stories



There was a fighting between Raju and Gopu. They were shouting at each other and Thatha stopped Gopu from chasing Raju.
''What is the matter? why are you angry with Raju, your own friend?'' asked Siva Thatha.
''We are not anymore friends Thatha'' shouted Raju.
''What happened between you?''
''He took from me my pencil yesterday and says he will not return?'' complained Gopu
''No Thatha, it is my pencil, green color with black lines on it. My initial is etched on it you can see''
I will give both of you a pencil each stop this fighting and be as before good friends.
Ok Thatha said Raju and smiled at Gopu who reflected it.
Let me tell you the story of friendship today.
Sudhama was one of the friends and fellow students of Lord Krishnan when he studied under sage Sandeepani.
Krishna became the king of Dwarka, but Sudama very poor brahmin, was married with 27 children and struggled to eke out his living. g at One day Sudama’s wife told him, “See, Krishna is your very close and good friend. He being a king, why don’t you go and ask him for some help?” Sudama felt a little shy and replied her:
“How can I ask a close friend for some financial assistance? I don’t feel like doing it.”
As days went by, the poverty was unbearable at home, and Sudhama had no other go, and so decided to walk to Dwarka and meet his childhood friend Krishna.
It is our tradition to carry some thing when we go to meet a person. It is not our custom to visit anyone empty handed. What was there for Sudama to carry for the King Krishna, at his poor house? He had nothing. His clothes were torn. He was so poor! His wife noticed they had a few puffed rice So he packed them in a piece of cloth and took it to Krishna.
Though initially he was not permitted to enter the palace by the guards when he announced his name to be conveyed to Krishna, he was permitted. So Sudama entered the palace, which was gorgeous and beautifully decorated. Krishna was sitting on his throne, and there were so many servants around. And the moment he saw Sudama, Krishna rushed down, and washed his feet and offered him his own seat. He put Sudhama on the throne. And then Krisha asked Sudama, “What have you brought for me? Sudama was shy and hesitated to hand him the puffed rice parcel.
''Come on!” tell me “What have you brought?” I know that your wife Susheela would not send you without something for me''
Krishna was clever and knew that Sudama was trying to hide the rice puff parcel he brought with him.
“How I can offer the rice puff to a great king, he thought''
Krishna grabbed hold of the parcel from Sydgana, and found the ricepuff packed for him. He grabbed it and stuffed the puff in his mouth.

The joy of meeting his old friend was so much that Sudama even forgot to ask Krishna anything and forgot the purpose of his visit. He was so happy to meet his old friend and Krishna did not ask him what he wanted and forgot to give Sudhama anything when he departed to his village from Dwarka. They both forgot everything and enjoyed only their presence. When two souls meet in such deep friendship, they forget everything.

When Sudama thanked Krishna and left the palace at Dwarka, and reached his home to his surprise he found his old dilapidated house was transformed, and he had all the riches in his house. His wife Suseela was very happy. Somebody had come with a lot of gifts from Dwarka without Sudama or his wife asking anything .

The soul in us is the soul of Lord Krishna, We do not realise it. Imagine we all have sunrays without realising the various colors in it. Through a prism, all the colors get manifested. The same ray of light when passes through a black or blue or red glass reflects only that particular color while through a prism, the rainbow colours of the hidden light ray comes out. Remember my dear Children, Krishna is such a prism, so clear, so full of joy. His eternal presence is never lost except that we must feel it.

In Gita Krishna says “Though I am in the body, I am not this body. Though I am working through the mind, I am not the mind. I am not what you see me as. I am much more than what you perceive me as. I am present in your heart as you. And anytime you need me, you call me, I’ll be right there with you, to take you out of your troubles and difficulties. You can always count on me.”

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