Friday, September 20, 2019

self confidence


What I have learnt in eight decades of my life  I  put below in short and simple sentences. Many great authors suggest this in different words in various books in detail.

If you are ready to achieve greatness and giant results, the road map is in your hands. If you have the will power that whatever you wish to achieve, you can achieve it and nothing will stop it. Without exception everyone is born a good person.   You are entitled to live a wonderful  life of complete success and  happiness, joy, and excitement.  If you believe that you will enjoy a good health, you will certlainly live healthy,. You must believe in yourself, have self-esteem, self-respect, and personal pride and feel that you are blessed by Him to be  extraordinary.
You are surrounded by abundant opportunities. You can take advantage of them and realise your wishes and dreams.  The limits are your rightful entitlement, and reward for your hard and sincere work you put in, with right thinking. 

Gita and other holy scripts say clearly that you become what you think. Remember this pep message.  The outerworld you see is  nothing but a mirror image of your inner world.  Whatever happens outside is but a reflection of what happens within you.  You can judge a man's inner image  by looking at him as you find him physically before you. 

Human mind is very powerful. Our thoughts control our life. Even the pulse/heart beat rate can be controlled if you try. You can improve your digestion.your blood. Your sleep and waking state can be decided by you.   I sleep for only two to three hours maximum a day and I am in good health with no problem. You can remain ever happy or feel sad as you think. So I repeat that your thoughts determine your life.

Man generally is a bundle of thoughts, and as a result, feelings and desires, shapes his attitude, image, fear, hope doubts and opinion etc. etc.  As the thoughts continuously change, he also accordingly exhibits changed behaviour, every moment.  It certainly affects others who also undergo the same process. Everyone is emotional and unpredictable as a result. 

Have faith in you and the God who created us believing that we shall be successful and happy.

If you believe that you are happy, so you will be always come what may. You are the master of your thoughts and so your happiness rests with your decision to remain so.

Every human being is a living magnet. We attract people, ideas, thoughts  both of our own and that of others and face the result.  Positive thoughts and attraction is helpful and beneficial.
We are influenced by our thoughts which are based on past  experience of ours and that of others. So nothing is new.  Successful thoughts therefore  of others and our own past, will continue to bring happiness and success.  Observe nature, because it remains true always.

A woman who was ill treated by everyone, turned pessimistic and inferiority complexed and unhappy. She believed her life was meaningless and a waste. She had a road accident and lost her memory of the past. When cured of our her injuries she realised she had no memory of the past, began studying books to know about amnesia and its effects, was much interested in learning, and wrote a paper and began giving lectures on loss of memory. Everyone appreciated her. The family and friends began respecting her and loving her. person. She changed her thinking and changed her life. She became a new person without any trace of her pessimism of the past .  We  dont need an accident like her to turn us positive. We can make best efforts slowly and steadily.  Every child born in this world arrives with no thoughts of the past and learns everthing afresh impressed by what is seen and felt. Impression is Expression. Parents create the best first impression in the child's mind,  which lasts long, and so we have to bring up our young ones carefully and thoughtfully. Love makes all the difference in the tender mind and parents should be  positive minded to impress the child.
We need not worry about our failures.  Failure is the stepping stone of success and we learn mostly from our failures only.
What all we have known about ourselves including our beliefs, hopes and failures etc., are registered and recorded in our personality reflecting on our self confidence. So it becomes essential that we should ensure only positive and optimistic thoughts are nurtured to improve our attitude and build our self confidence.   

Your thinking shapes your personality and it is healthy to entertain positive thoughts always to live a healthy and happy life. i will write more...... 

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