Saturday, July 15, 2017


Do you remember how many stories you have read ​so far till now? ​ No doubt you and I have lost count. Out of those stories how many would you be rememberingl now? This is yet another question for which the answer would be ''Oh No. I can't remember most of them!''

​Of course some of them we do remember always and at any given moment we may be able to dig them out of our memory bank. If brought out they remain as fresh as they were once.

​I am going to recall one such small story I once cherished and buried in my mind which I am bringing out to share with you. Most probably you all know it and would have felt the same way I felt while reading. It is purely born out of sincere and strengthened by the deep love one has for the other.

​There was an old and huge apple tree, ​ much ​loved by a little boy​ who lived in a house nearby. He ​used to play ​daily under it, climbed up, ate the apples, and took a nap in its shade.​ In reciprocation the tree also loved him.

In this story for our easy understanding we have to accept that the tree also was able to speak to the boy as he addressed it.​​

The boy grew up and now no longer​ was found ​ play​ing around or with the tree every day.

One day, the boy came to the tree with a sad face.

"Hey my little one,​ why dont you come everyday as before and play with me,"

"I am no longer a kid, I don't play around trees anymore. I want playthings which other boys have but have no money to buy,"

"Sorry, I don't have money... but you can pick ​some of ​my apples, sell and get the money you need​ the playthings you desire to have ​"said the tree.

"Thank you​ my friend ​”​. ​ The excited boy ​climbed the tree, ​collected the apples and left happily. He did not think any more of the tree. The tree awaited him sadly. ​ Many days have passed by then.​

One day, the boy now a young man, returned to the tree again with a sad face.

The loving tree ​ asked ''what is wrong with you. Forget it. Come and play with me".

"Sorry, no time to play with you. I have to work for my family​. We ​​need​ ​a house to stay. I dont know how can I manage?”

​ ​"​Oh. I can’t give you a house​ my friend, but​ I suggest you can avail by help. you can chop off ​ some of ​my branches & build your house”

​''​My good Tree, you are always helpful and kind to me. He chopped off a few branches and ​ carried with him. The tree was glad to ​observe his happiness unmindful of it having lost some of its branches.

The man​, because he is no longer a boy, ​ didn't ​ visit the tree​ for long..

The tree was now old as time was running out. It​ stood alone disappointed ​ ​with the boy's absence for long but did not lose the hope that one day he would return.,

On a hot summer day, the man returned and the tree was delighted but ​ he was in no cheerful mood.

​''How are you my old friend, Shall we play atleast for sometime''​

​''​Look, I am sad and getting old. I want to go sailing to relax myself. I dont know where will I go for a boat?"

“​It should not pose any problem for you. Why dont you cut and use my trunk to build ​a strong boat. You can sail​ happily''

​''A bright idea my tree''. ​The happy man cut the tree's trunk and made a boat​ out of it​.

He went sailing happily not thinking for even a moment about the tree.

Many years later he​ returned. He wished to visit his friend, the tree. He was sad to see the tree was almost dead with only some old roots.

"O my boy​. Do you know how happy I am to see you again​,​ but feel sorry I dont​ ​ have any​ thing to offer you now, I dont have apples or any branch, leaf or trunk ... what can I do ''. .

​Its friend too was an ​ old man​ now. My friend Tree, even if you offered apples I cannot bite. I have no teeth"…

​Oh I regdret I have no trunk or branch to offer you a seat at least.

​''I ​am too old​ to climb a tree or jump and sit on a branch now"

"I ​have some roots buried under the earth, Can you find any use for them to make you happy though they are dying roots?'' .

"​Look. ​I don't need anything now, but a place to rest. I am tired after all these years​. I wish to sit by your side for some time ​​"

"Good! Old tree roots are best to lean on and rest. Come, sit down with me and rest."

The old man sat down on the root of the tree. Both were glad and smiled lovingly with tears.

​This is not a story but a reflection of a mother's true love for her child without expecting anything in return

God's love is abundant, ​like a mother for us, unmindful of our ingratitude.

We get entangled in material life, ​ because of our selfishness, unquenchable desire and longing. We tend to forget Him​ and reach Him while He is waiting for us with keen interest. We think of Him only when we are helpless and need something or when in trouble,​ but He is there always to help us unconditionally !​. Is it not so​!!

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