Friday, July 14, 2017

CHOICE TO EXERCISE.... j.k. sivan​

​My father J.Krishna Iyer was a scholar in three languages. He was an Educational Officer in the Corporation of Madras decades ago during English regime. ` While cleaning my bookshelf I found a book of Complete works of Shakespeare with various highlighting and marking and marginal notes made by my father and a folded paper with handwritten notes fell down from the book. (my father and mother are in the attached picture - taken 35-40 years ago when he was already 83+)

It was in the handwriting of my father....... and made an interesting reading.... I copy it below as I enjoyed it for the first time though it was written more than half a century ago. Whose life history he has copied.....??

​'' I had a good career, earned lots of money, had great friends and a loving family. You ​may think it is good.... but I felt unfulfilled and unmotivated. I repeatedly lived each day like the one before.

I looked around me and saw that everybody within my own circle of friends, relatives, and immediate family were no different. They too seemed stuck. They seemed unmotivated—like they were living their lives on automatic pilot.
I ​questioned myself '' why this? Why do so many people just accept this ​ as normal pattern of life. Is this the way ​life is supposed to be?

I read hundreds of books on philosophy, psychology, and spirituality​ and continued to read for many years until one day I began to see things with greater clarity. I ​woke up.​ Out of the blue it just hit me, like a ton of bricks.

The key ​or answer to my question was not ​in any book I read. I found that it was in my ability to accept what “is” in this moment. So I now make that choice.​ ​Here are 8 tips to help you make that choice:

1. ​REMEMBER THAT YOU ARE POWERFUL: We have no idea what we are supposed to be doing, or who we are supposed to be imitating. I say “imitating” because this is what we do: We ​adapt ourselves to the external environment.​ We play roles and cover up our true selves by identifying with “things” that end up defining who we think we are. I’m a doctor, a salesperson, a secretary, a lawyer; I’m sad, happy, lonely, or miserable. I’m angry, jealous, afraid, and I can’t help it—it’s who I am.​ BUT IN TRUTH, WE ARE NONE OF THOSE. They are symptoms of the sleepwalking disease. You are more important than any label. We are not our professions. We are not our feelings. We are not our circumstances. We are not even our mind.​ What we are is far greater, far superior, far more important, and far more mysterious than our conceptual mind tries to define. This is why we are far more powerful than we think we are.
2. ​EMBRACE LIFE - Embrace the moment, whether it contains an obstacle or an opportunity. Stop fussing over trivial matters​. Start focusing on what’s really important to you.​ Don’t ​ expect things to change. Life becomes hard and unfai​​r when we ​ complain . Instead we should try to change them ourselves. ​ Understand that life is not a practice-run.​ Be bold and courageous​. Decide what benefit​s​ your growth. ​ Lie down on your imaginary death-bed and realize that time ​and tide waits for none. ​ ​Make any necessary changes you may need to.​ Act fast before more time gradually passes by​, ​ while you stand ​in dilemma. Your choice. Your life. Your responsibility. Your power.

3.​REALIZE AND CONTROL YOUR REACTIONS. -We create our outside reality​ according to our own thoughts and beliefs What we believe in our inner world, we see ​it ​in ​the outer world—not the other way around.​ We al​​l ​ do ​have problems, tested by circumstances ​ not under our control. But we do have the power and control TO REACT TO THE SITUATION because, our inner world (cause) affects the influence we allow the outer world (effect) to have on us. So next time you hear somebody mention that you have great personal power, know they are 100% correct. You have more control than you think.

4. ​NO ONE IS BETTER QUALIFIED.- We ​have the habit of caring more for what others say about us. Remember it holds no significance to who you truly are unless you identify or agree with them.​ Stop identifying with other people’s opinions​. How you see yourself is what it matters because no body can know you better than you do. Never accept another person’s ​ identity as your own. ​You develop your confidence in you and believe that you can achieve what you aim at sincerely working for it. Believe that you ​have and are more than enough.​ ​If you ​wish to compare yourself to someone ​, then look at a person less fortunate​ (உனக்கும் கீழே உள்ளவர் கோடி !) and let it be a lesson to learn just how abundant your life truly is​ when so compared. You may find that you are not entirely grateful for what you possess. ​ If you focus on what you have, and not on what you lack, you will always have enough, because you will always be enough.​(போது மென்ற மனமே பொன் செய்யும் மருந்து)​

6.​LOVE YOURSELF.​ Feel that everything you need is right here. Cut out the distractions, open your eyes, and see that you already have everything in your possession to be happy, loved, and fulfilled.​ It’s not out there. It never was out there. It’s in the same place it was since the day you were born​ within you. It’s just been covered up by all the external things you have identified with​. Be yourself. Love yourself completely and accept everything that you are. You are beautiful. Believe it, and most importantly, remind​ this to​ yourself often.

7. ​STAY COOL - if someone ​does something not agreeable to you, you may feel​ the blood pressure begin to rise and feel the need to react in a negative manner. ​You know what is the result of this ? ​We get uptight with other people’s actions, and in the end we punish ourselves for their bad behavior​!!.​ ​We​ end up losing control over our own actions​. We are responsible for our own action, regardless of how rude other people may act. If it’s hard to stay cool, remember: you are the one who loses in the end, if you lose the lesson.​ (என்ன தான் நடக்கும் நடக்கட்டுமே !)​

8. ​HAVE A PLEASANT JOURNEY.......We know life is a journey​. No need to arrive if we accept that we are already here.​ ​Be content with where you are today and don’t make the mistake of putting off being happy because you are waiting for the right moment to shine. Sometimes it takes a conscious effort to enjoy the journey​ of life. Not everyone woke up this morning and not everyone will go to bed tonight. Life has no guarantees. ​(வருவார் யாரோ, போவார் யாரோ, வருவதும் போவதும் தெரியாது!) ​Every minute you are living is a blessing that has to be experienced in the moment. It’s not always easy, but it’s always an option—a choice. Your choice​.


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 கண்டசாலா  விருந்து  ஒன்று.  #நங்கநல்லூர்_J_K_SIVAN   ''தண்ணொளி வெண்ணிலவோ''   என்ற  அருமையான   கண்டசாலா வெங்கடேஸ்வர ராவ் கணீ...