Saturday, August 5, 2017

Shall I share some secrets with you.

Shall I share some secrets with you......J.K. SIVAN (79)

How to commence your Day.....

Before getting up from bed it is usual for many to feel somewhat groggy and irritated . This feeling carries on for the rest of the day.
Every day should begin with fresh energy and interest to do something we wanted to. There is a maxim ''what begins well ends well''.
Lying in bed lazily with some confused thoughts bogging and disturbing the mind, it will result in all the actions you perform during rest of the day. Here are some tips to win over this.

If you follow these tips, I am sure, you will feel the difference and tell others also !

1. Hi, is the word to start the day. Greet the fresh morning with a smile. You are lucky you have a day at your command. If you
care for your day with due respect, it will certainly reciprocate it always the same way. It is as easy and simple as that! Smile at yourself before the mirror while brushing the teeth or washing your face, the first thing when you get up from bed. It is sure to send the positive signals to your brains . It is a healthy sign because the brain is reassured that all goes well with you. You will be able to maintain the same mood all through the rest of the day.

2. If you are on the first or any other floor up, you will have a window or balcony to peep out and watch the sunrise. If you have an open verandah or balcony step out and inhale the fresh air and listen to some bird singing somewhere, at this early hour, a song . Unknown to the eye, hidden between leaves of the trees that small bird greets you with a song!. Fresh morning air with its coolness will refresh you. Think of some good thing you did for others or what others did for you, with happiness. This will ensure that the positive energy in you will make you smile and feel happy. It is the best sign and battery charge for the rest of the day.

2. Even if you dont feel thirsty, ensure you drink a full glass of water, in your empty stomach before you sip your coffee. Doctors and other experts have advised that next to oxygen, the fresh water is most essential for our body. Sluggishness of the body is caused by the fat content in it and water metabolizes it easily. Water is the first welcome best drink of the day to begin with.

3. Stretch your body, move and shake your hands and legs, to wake up the sleeping muscles. Even during your long seated work at office or work station, relax a bit, get up in between and stretch and move the limbs and body by walking a few steps . There is no need for any fixed time to do this everyday. Anytime you chose to do this is good. It will boost your energy and thus pumping the sleeping muscles of the body and limbs wake them up and helps the brain start working with their movement and supply of blood. You will feel comfortable.

4. Next comes the breakfast. They say eat your breakfast like a king. It is equally important to know what to eat and it should be healthy to boost your energy and supply of blood. Include cereals, muesli, fruits, juices, milkshakes, and nuts which are low caloried and have all the essentials of day-drivers.

Keep changing your menu for the breakfast frequently to increase your interest in eating different dishes to avoid the monotony of routine items appearing on the breakfast table. I have seen a few families going for only Iddlys in the morning as a routine. It may not bring satisfaction of having a good breakfast to eat unless it is different. Many dishes can also be made with the same ingredients used for making iddly. May be, it is because they feel it is easy to make iddly consuming lesser time in cooking at kitchen. It is important to have a appetising breakfast everyday and it should be eagerly awaited.
5. Fruits and tomatoes are known as anti depressants and calmative. Eating them will make you happy and healthy if dishes are made out of them.

6. Plan your goal and target for the day or the weak. Review the progress every morning and execute your plan to proceed with the work ahead to achieve satisfacation in what you do. You should clearly know what you wish to achieve or accomplish during that day or that week. You will be able to plan it in the early morning hours, when you are mentally and physicaly fresh with no confusion, that too after a satisfactory breakfast you had.

6. Many have the good habit of listening to some good soothing music every morning. Some prefer slokas and divine hymns. It is of course again a anti depressant and stress remover. I listen to music and sing for myself. Select the type of songs you prefer and are interested and have them stored for ready use.Your mind will get refreshed this way.

7. Laughing heartily lowers the blood pressure they say. Read or listen to classic jokes making you laugh heartily. It helps in increasing the
vascular blood flow and oxygenation . Besides you know laughter makes one forget the sorrows and increases the vigor and removes the stress. I have seen some friends keeping good joke books on the bedside table.

8. Look always smart unmindful of your age. Let everyone who meets you or sees you say ''This guy is smart looking''. It is an energy booster for you and helps you to perform with mental resourcefulness.

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