Saturday, March 26, 2022


I write this in English to ensure most of our friends, who cannot read my usual Tamil write up can also read and be benefited.
If you look around,  you will not fail to observe the innumerable changes which take place every moment.  Life is a momentum involving  ever changing pattern in life structure. It proves that change is inevitable.  Aging is part of such a change in life of humans as well.Aging is a gradual and continuous process of natural change that begins from our early childhood continuing till the end
During early middle age, many bodily functions begin to gradually decline.  We are not as brisk as children are. We dont become old or elderly at any specific age  say  60, 70 or  80.  We  become  old every day which is unnoticed.
Chronologic age is based solely on the passage of time which we call aging.
We  call the human  aging  as   biological aging.  Biologic age refers to changes in the body that commonly occur as people age.
Some people may be biologicaly 50, but chronologically 35 only . It is  also to do with the psychological change in a person's outlook.
Psychologic age is based on how people act and feel while facing  various issues in life which are inevitable.

For example, an 80-year-old who works, plans, looks forward to future events, and participates in many activities is considered psychologically young .  I dont  claim to be young or youthful  but I dont consider myself  old at any time and continue to do what I have been doing all along.

We always  and often  wonder  ether what we  are experiencing as we are aging is normal or abnormal?
The answer is,  every individual's  ageing is different.  Some changes result from internal processes (“pure aging”)

Healthy aging  is something which  refers to postponement of or reduction in the undesired effects of aging .

We have to introspect and  maintain  physical and mental health  for well being.
We  should  be aware of and avoid  disorders observed in our  attitudes and  behaviour.
By remaining  always active and feeling  independent  helps us to  defeat the feeling of aging.

Eating makes a lot of diference in our aging and maintaining  good health.  Nutritious diet  is  helpful.
Exercising regularly is  important.   Walking is the best   while  sitting erect and doing  breathing exercise is good.
We should never  give room for  mental depression.
Gerontology is  the name given for  study of the aging process.  It  includes  physical, mental, and social changes in our  life .
Geriatrics is the branch of medicine that specializes in the care of elderly people, which often involves managing many disorders and problems .  It may be remembered that    most of us,  do not need the expertise of a geriatrician (a doctor who specializes in the care of the elderly) until they are 70 to 75 years old.

In India, life expectancy at birth in 1947 was 32 years •
In 2015, Life expectancy at birth In India improved double, since  it was 69.9 years for women and 66.9 years for men. Women mostly outlive men.   In the US, 81 years for women and 76 years for men is proving  this fact.

It is a fact that  the average life expectancy has increased a lot, but the   maximum life span has not ncreased that much, which is  due to  heredity.  It influences whether a person will develop a disorder or not.
For example, a person who inherits genes that increase the risk of developing high cholesterol levels is likely to have a shorter life. A person who inherits genes that protect against coronary artery disease and cancer is likely to have a longer life. There is good evidence that living to a very old age—to 100 or older—runs in some families.

Our life style is influenced by certain habits, such as smoking, drugs and alcohol and eating habits.
Exposure to toxins in the environment: Such exposure can shorten life expectancy even among people with the best genetic makeup. Japanese experienced it  after the second world war  atomic  bombing  at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Preventing disorders or treating disorders after they are contracted, especially when the disorder can be cured (as with infections and sometimes cancer), helps increase life expectancy
Disorders, not aging, usually account for most loss of bodily functions.

We have  numerous organs within our frame.  How these organs  function depend on  how well the cells within them function (Older cells function less well)   When the number of cells becomes too low, an organ cannot function normally.

Quite often, you would  have observed that the  first signs of aging involve the musculoskeletal system. The eyes, followed by the ears, begin to change early in mid-life.

Bones  tend to become less dense. Loss of bone density is  known as osteoporosis . Damage to the cartilage due to lifelong use of joints often leads to osteoarthritis.

It is essential for all brothers and sisters of my age (80+)  and even for  those above  60  to  ensure  that  they carefully enter the toilets and wet areas in the house and elsewhere.   We cannot afford bath room falls.
Muscles and Body Fat Aging's effects reduce muscle mass and strength by no more than about 10% to 15% during an adult's lifetime .

By age 75, the percentage of body fat typically doubles compared with what it was during young adulthood. Too much body fat can increase the risk of health problems, such as diabetes.

To make up for the muscle mass lost during each day during strict bed rest period by an elderly, it may need up to 2 weeks of exercise (Bed rest not always good unless indicated)

As  we are aging  the   the eye lens stiffens, making focusing on close objects harder.  
The lens becomes denser, making seeing in dim light harder.
The pupil reacts more slowly to changes in light.
The lens yellows, changing the way colors are perceived.
The number of nerve cells decrease, impairing depth perception.
The eyes produce less fluid, making them feel dry.
The change in vision, called presbyopia, occurs because the lens in the eye stiffens. So for reading, brighter light is needed. Colors are perceived differently, partly because the lens tends to yellow with aging.
Colors may look less bright and contrasts between different colors may be more difficult to see.
Blues may look grayer, and blue print or background may look washed out.
Older people may see more tiny black specks moving across their field of vision. These specks are bits of normal fluid in the eye that have solidified.
Most 60-year-olds need 3 times more light to read than 20- year-olds

Let me tell you something about our ears.  Changes in hearing are probably due as much to noise exposure as to aging .This change is considered age-associated hearing loss (Presbycusis).
For example, violin music may sound less bright.  High-pitched sounds are particularly hard for older people to hear.

Now  about mouth and nose.  Taste and smell starts to gradually diminish. Many foods tend to taste bitter, and foods with subtle smells may taste bland.    With aging, the nose tends to lengthen and enlarge, and the tip tends to droop.
Now  about the skin.
The skin tends to become thinner, less elastic, drier, and finely wrinkled . The skin changes because the aging body produces less collagen (a tough, fibrous tissue that makes skin strong) and elastin (which makes skin flexible)
The fat layer under the skin thins (Cushion and preserves body heat).

Now let me tell something about the most important  part of our body: brains and nerves.
The number of nerve cells in the brain typically decreases. New nerve cells may form in some areas of the brain, even during old age (Contrary to popular belief) .The brain has more cells than it needs to do most activities—a characte ristic called “redundancy”.  The brain has ways to compensate for the loss of nerve cells that occurs with aging.

Heart and Blood Vessels  become stiffer. The heart fills with blood more slowly. The stiffer arteries are less able to expand when more blood is pumped through them. T hus, blood pressure tends to increase.

The muscles used in breathing, such as the diaphragm, tend to weaken .  The number of air sacs (alveoli) and capillaries in the lungs decreases. Thus, slightly less oxygen is absorbed from air that is breathed in .

 Digestive system is less affected by aging than most other parts of the body .  In the large intestine, materials move through a little more slowly. In some people, this slowing contributes to constipation.

Liver function declines.  Certain changes in the urinary tract may make controlling urination more difficult.  The maximum volume of urine that the bladder can hold decreases. Thus, older people may need to urinate more often. The bladder muscles may contract unpredictably (become over active), The muscle that controls the passage of urine out of the body (urinary sphincter) is less able to close tightly and prevent leakage.

Growth hormone levels decrease, leading to decreased muscle mass.  Aldosterone levels decrease, making de hydra tion more likely.   This hormone signals the body to retain salt and therefore water.

Insulin, which helps control the sugar level in blood, is less effective, and less insulin may be produced.
The amount of active bone marrow, where blood cells are produced, decreases .
The cells of the immune system act more slowly.

Let me end this with some reminders for all my elderly brothers and sisters to follow:

No matter your age,   Take care of your body and prevent   If  65 or older  even simple flu or a common cold can progress and lead to complications. This includes secondary infections like pneumonia, bronchitis, an ear infection, or a sinus infection. If you are chronic asthma patient or diabetic, a respiratory illness can make these worse.
Follow these nine tips to stay healthy year-round.
1. Get active.  Physical activity is an immune system booster. The more you move, the more your body is able to fight inflammation and infections. Low impact exercises are effective. consider biking, walking, swimming etc . 20 to 30 minutes a day  simple  exercises is  recommended .
2. Take supplements as necessary in consultation with your doctor .Some supplements they may recommend include calcium, vitamin D, vitamin B6, or vitamin B12.Take these  supplements or multivitamins as instructed  by your doctor  to boost your immune system.

3. Eat a healthy diet. Fruits, vegetables  give your immune system a boost and protect against harmful viruses and bacteria that cause illnesses as they are  a good source of antioxidants. Antioxidants protect your cells from damage and keep your body healthy.   Limit your consumption of sugary and fatty foods.  which trigger inflammation in the body and lower your immune system.

4. Wash your hands frequently which has now become a habit after Corono influence. good.Washing your hands on a regular basis is another excellent way to stay healthy year-round. Viruses can live on surfaces for up to 24 hours. It’s possible to become ill if you touch a virus-covered surface and contaminate your hands, and then touch your face.  Wash your hands with warm soapy water often, and for at least 20 seconds. Avoid touching your nose, face, and mouth with your hands.  Using antibacterial hand sanitizer when you’re unable to wash your hands. Also, disinfect surfaces around your home and workstation frequently. Corona has taught us this

5. Learn how to manage stress  which increases your body’s production of the stress hormone cortisol. Too much cortisol can disrupt different functions in your body, including your immune system. Increase physical activity, get plenty of sleep, set reasonable expectations for yourself, and explore relaxing, enjoyable activities.

6. Get plenty of rest.  sleep reduces stress level,  sleeping repairs the body.  Getting an adequate amount of sleep can result in a stronger immune system, making it easier for your body to fight off viruses.Sleep is also important as you get older because it can improve memory and concentration. Aim for at least seven and a half to nine hours of sleep per night is  what  doctors  recommend.   

7. Take steps to prevent infections.    Getting annual vaccinations is another way to stay healthy throughout the year. If you’re age 65 and older, talk to your doctor about getting a high-dose or adjuvant flu vaccine.  vaccine yearly. 

8. Schedule annual physicals.   Yearly checkup can also keep you healthy.  Conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure can go undetected. Regular physical examinations will enable your doctor to diagnose any problems early. Getting early treatment may prevent long-term complications.

9. Avoid contact with people who are sick.  Another way to protect yourself year-round is to avoid being close to people who are sick. This is easier said than done. Avoid crowds.  Wear a face mask. Wash your hands frequently.

Finally have faith in your God. Pray to Him. I never fail to do this. He is omniscient , omnipotent and omnipresent, ever protecting us.

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