Monday, March 23, 2020



If you closely observe, every one seeks happiness which seems to be eluding. Why  so because we seek something black in darkness on a new moon day.  Happiness is not somewhere to be traced and obtained.  It has to be first understood and then sought. We are searching for someone without knowing his name and address.

What brings the happiness we seek? It is an abstract feeling not being in any available visual form.
We  can feel happiness  by developing our in born ability to care about life, its values in all its forms, and engage ourselves in moving with everyone with our kind actions,  loving all the living beings we see day today and come across. It is known as Compassion.

Let us development the feeling of contentment with  what we get and have and dont aspire for something which we want and know that we cannot obtain it. What is the use of chasing a shadow?  Contentment brings immense inner peace, calmness, which nothing else could bring to our minds. Accept what ''is''  is a golden word to remember always.  It also keeps away any fear.. Fear and Peace of Mind cannot go together in life.

Connection with everyone is a must, for everyone. We  are rational animals and cannot remain isolated.  I am able to say this as  at 81+ because with my global contacts with so many lakhs of people,  sharing  my thoughts with them,  I am glad to remain  healthy and happy,  not seeking any award, certification or recognition from any third party.  My happiness remains guaranteed.  Communication is  now a gift,  made easier with the inroduction of  ultra modern gadgets and facilities such as  FB, whatsapp, email, youtube etc., without  having to pay for heavily.  In the past we could not speak for long over telephone  to avoid heavy bills.   

Another advice of caution.  Word is a double edged weapon. We should use it carefully as it is capable both making and mar-ring  relationship. Ego should never be allowed to mix with the words we use. 

We should plan our life with a  chalked out commitment  and keep it up. It fulfils the purpose of life and enhances happiness. Service to others is more happier than being selfish.  Happiness requires you  to commit yourself to something larger than yourself.
Being aware of life's impermanance and being conscious of the fact that life is not with any certainty and is un dependable . This very thought would urge us to make best use of the life within the permitted space and tilme and fill it with happiness.  Happiness  dwells within us and developes from within.  We are made by  Him to be ever happy.   We miss the rare opportunity given to every one of us with no discrimination and disparity. Pursuing it is our birthright.

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 கண்டசாலா  விருந்து  ஒன்று.  #நங்கநல்லூர்_J_K_SIVAN   ''தண்ணொளி வெண்ணிலவோ''   என்ற  அருமையான   கண்டசாலா வெங்கடேஸ்வர ராவ் கணீ...