Sunday, December 24, 2017




A mendicant who has the power to burn anyone with his angry look, meets with a housewife who delays feeding him with alms because she had to first attend to her husband . The mendicant is angry because he was delayed by her and casts his angry look at her which is capable of burning her to ashes because of his yogic power. She then smiles at him and says ‘’I am no bird to be burnt by you.’’ The Yogi is surprised because no one knew about his burning a bird with his angry look a few days ago.
He undersands the woman to be a Yogi, even better than him, and asks how she knew about him and his act.
She replies him : ‘If youyou want to know something higher than this, go to the market of such and such a town where you will find a Vyâdha (The lowest class of people in India who used to live as hunters and butchers.) who will tell you something that you will be very glad to learn." The Sannyasin thought, "Why should I go to that town and to a Vyadha?" But after what he had seen, his mind opened a little, so he went. When he came near the town, he found the market and there saw, at a distance, a big fat Vyadha cutting meat with big knives, talking and bargaining with different people. The young man said, "Lord help me! Is this the man from whom I am going to learn? He is the incarnation of a demon, if he is anything." In the meantime this man looked up and said, "O Swami, did that lady send you here? Take a seat until I have done my business." The Sannyasin thought, "What comes to me here?" He took his seat; the man went on with his work, and after he had finished he took his money and said to the Sannyasin, "Come sir, come to my home." On reaching home the Vyadha gave him a seat, saying, "Wait here," and went into the house. He then washed his old father and mother, fed them, and did all he could to please them, after which he came to the Sannyasin and said, "Now, sir, you have come here to see me; what can I do for you?" The Sannyasin asked him a few questions about soul and about God, and the Vyadha gave him a lecture which forms a part of the Mahâbhârata, called the Vyâdha-Gitâ. It contains one of the highest flights of the Vedanta. When the Vyadha finished his teaching, the Sannyasin felt astonished. He said, "Why are you in that body? With such knowledge as yours why are you in a Vyadha's body, and doing such filthy, ugly work?""My son," replied the Vyadha, "no duty is ugly, no duty is impure. My birth placed me in these circumstances and environments. In my boyhood I learnt the trade; I am unattached, and I try to do my duty well. I try to do my duty as a householder, and I try to do all I can to make my father and mother happy. I neither know your Yoga, nor have I become a Sannyasin, nor did I go out of the world into a forest; nevertheless, all that you have heard and seen has come to me through the unattached doing of the duty which belongs to my position."

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 கண்டசாலா  விருந்து  ஒன்று.  #நங்கநல்லூர்_J_K_SIVAN   ''தண்ணொளி வெண்ணிலவோ''   என்ற  அருமையான   கண்டசாலா வெங்கடேஸ்வர ராவ் கணீ...