Tuesday, April 16, 2019



                                    BE CLEAN IN AND OUT 

It  being  a  mid April evening  the heat wave was horrible.  Siva Thatha was as usual lying on his easy chair under the neem tree. Something must have happened. that is why, there were  so many crows hovering over the  top branch of the tree and  their crawing  was  almost deafening .   Otherwise there was silence everywhere.  As usual there were  children seated around Thatha   waiting for his story 

''Thatha  I have to go home earlier this evening? ''said Sekar.
''Why sekhar?
I have to memorise  five stanzas in Ramalinga Adigal Thiruvarutpa''.  Our Tamil teacher Sarojini will  ask us to recite it tomorrow. We dont know whom Sarojini teacher would pick up to recite the stanzas.  She is a strict  erson and will ask us to stand up on the bench  or send us out of the class room if we could not recite without omission of  any word in the stanzas.  If all stanzas are  recited without any omission she would usually give chocolates also. 

'Dear children,  It is good to memorise as many good devotional hymns  as possible, it will help'' exclaimed Thatha.

''Thatha,  how will it help ?   We  dont know the meaning or understand what thee stanzas stand for. We are only just mugging  it up and memorising '' replied Sekhar.

It is good to learn such devotional hymns.  I  will tell you all a story of Venkoba Rao,.  He was the grand father of Ragoththama Rao, a small boy, and they  both lived in a hut  on the banks of River Ganga.  Venkoba Rao always asked the boy to read Gita  slokas and the boy kept reading daily.  One day  he asked the old man ''Why are you asking me to read d Gita daily  because  I dont understand  the meaning or dont kinow what it says.  What is the use?'' he   replied t the old man.
Old Venkoba did not reply as he was busy lighting the  charcoal stove,  a country oven of ancie nt days.  He had near him an old brass vessel  which had one or two small holes and looked  utterlly black  because  it was used  for a long time to store  charcoal for his coal stove. Venkoba emptied the  vessel of its charcoal pieces and  handed the empty dirty, dark and black  looking  coal dust coated vessel to Raghu.
''Raghu, take this , go and fetch Ganga water'.;
Raghu took the dark black coal stained vessel, dipped it in Ganga and  filled it with Ganga water. By the time he reached the hut, the water leaked from the holed vessel and it became empty.  The old man sent him again to get it filled with Ganga water.   Five or six times Ragu  thus had to run to the river and retirm  with the empty vessel.  The old man however  sent him repeatedly.   Ragu accordinglly shuttled  between the River and their hut six or seven times with no water in the vessel.   He shouted ''Thatha are you mad, what is the use or benefit in trying to get this leaky  vessel filled with Ganga water. It is meaningless and an useless effort.

The old man replied :  ''Ragoththama, why do you say it was useless and no benefit.  Look at  the vessel in your hand and tell me how is it now?''

Ragu  looked at it  and found  the old   black coal stained vessel had been thoroughly washed by the rushing  Ganga water. It was free of  its earlier  dark and black coal stains and  looked bright and clean in and out now after it was dipped many times in the River Ganga.  

''Raghu, it is the answer to your question why you should read Gita every day, knowing its meaning or not?''  It purifies you in and out irrespective of your knowing or understanding the meaning as the Ganga River cleaned the coal dust and stain from the  vessel in and out,  turning it to look bright..

''Dear children, this story explains you why you should at this tender and young age learn to read and memorise various  slokas and manthras. Later on  you will know its meaning and  you will find yourself  at peace  in and out  purified by the contents of what you memorised.  It will be handy to recall and enjoy the meaning. That is why our elders always wanted us to daily recite  Vishnu Sahasranamam, Gita slokas, Ramayana  and Thiruppavai, Prabhandam  hymns etc., and never bothered about our knowing the meaning''  

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